Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wow, I'm a Slacker.

I've been home on break... and don't have to go back until the thirtieth. It's all terribly exciting. However, I'm afraid, that this blessed down time has led to a horrendous gap in posting. Since few people read this, I'm not concerned. To those of you who are reading -- I apologize. Mea culpa.

Let's see... break has been laid back, refreshing, and full of fun. I've played with small children, traveled, shopped, read, and sipped tons of tea.

It has helped me become more grateful for my home, my town, and my school.

In other news.... No, really. We're talking about the news.

My breaks for Haiti. It's been so covered, that I don't think there's even anything else to say.

In more exciting news, I am so excited for Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts. It's certainly not something I expected, but it'll be interesting to see how it plays out over the next few months.

That's pretty much it as far as my ramblings go. Maybe soon I'll be able to post a post that's more organized.