Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fort Hood Shootings

Reading about any kind of shooting should sicken everyone a bit. However, as someone who lived through the biggest mass shooting in the U.S. (at Virginia Tech) and saw all the ramifications play out, it absolutely nauseates me. My heart broke on learning more about the Fort Hood shootings.

I find the response to be very interesting. The media has been very slow to leap to the conclusion that the shooter was part of a terrorist extremist group. However, the more facts are gathered, the more that looks like a significant possibility.

It is an incredibly complex situation requiring much tact during coverage. President Obama serves as a figurehead for the media and the nation to look to in this tragedy. I read an article recently expressing the author's disappointment with his response to such a tragedy. Upon reading this, I looked up the video and found that it was much as the author had described. I, too, was saddened by Mr. Obama's response. In the wake of such an immediate tragedy, it only seems proper that he would deviate from his prepared speech. It seems as though he should address the nation's fears and concerns about the shootings, as well as his condolences to those who lost loved ones.

However, he spent the first few minutes discussing the conference and his shout-out to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow. When he finally did address the nation, there seemed to be a startling lack of emotion.

Am I the only one who is concerned that a conference took precedence over the loss of 13 American lives? Post your thoughts.

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